Therapy- what to expect and why you shouldn’t give up

I was on a long break and even though my heart was shattering at the thought of becoming a forgotten blogger, I realized I wanted to take some time off everything. A few months back I started seeing a doctor for my social anxiety and depression that haunted me every night. It was difficult to... Continue Reading →

Family: Forever

We are born as babies and as we lay confused and crying about this whole new out-of-the-womb set-up, our family makes us feel comfortable and inducts us into the earthly affairs. As we grow up, we form our point of views, we grow into different humans and we also tend to grow apart from our... Continue Reading →

Gender equality in a household

The trigger word to blog- The Guardian I find it very amusing how Indian parents find relief in getting their daughters married to a "guardian". The idea of partnership just doesn't come to Indian parents naturally. It is always okay for a guy to go to work and sit on couch rest of the time... Continue Reading →

Define your marriage goals

Being a free spirit, past 3-4 years I have been traveling almost every 2 months. Life has been amazing so far and when everyone started asking me to "settle down" I knew one thing - I would marry someone if only it enhances my life; if not enhance just the same life would do but... Continue Reading →

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